[A] = Set privileges [N] = Set daily call limit [B] = Set read message bases [O] = Set daily upload limit [C] = Set enter message bases [P] = Set daily download limit [D] = Set command functions [Q] = Set daily db upload limit [E] = Set usr functions [R] = Set daily db download limit [F] = Set account number [S] = Set daily enter email limit [G] = Set name [T] = Set daily enter message limit [H] = Set phone number [U] = Set daily time limit [I] = Set daily FNET mail limit [V] = Set database access level [J] = Set password [W] = Set call ARCDL limit [K] = Set age [X] = Exit [L] = Set download level [Y] = Set download directory access [M] = Set call time limit [Z] = Change address [#] = Set upload/download ratio [<] = Edit download counter [>] = Edit upload counter [!] = Delete user [$] = Save this profile as a mask [@] = Redisplay profile [*] = Abort general edit To validate user with a defined mask, enter the mask number